Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Smoking Gun for Diabetics

If you are feeling great now, consider it a blessing, and quit today. Stay ahead of the game. If you have an existing health problem, then quit today, prevent further damage, and maybe even reverse some of the effects. If you have diabetes, it is even more imperative that you quit now. For those of you with diabetes, your risks increase dramatically when you smoke. For example, some of the risks are:

- Death from a stroke or heart attack is increased by 11 fold

- Circulation & wound healing problems which may lead to infection & amputation

- Kidney disease, blindness, & neuropathy

- Increase in blood sugar levels

- High blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglycerides in the blood which can result in a heart attack.
Tip! The babies of pregnant smoking women have poor lung functions right from birth.

There are treatments created to assist people like you to make the decision to ‘Quit for Life'. You may have tried numerous times to quit and may think it is impossible. It is not impossible. The first step is to make the clear decision to stop. The second step is to decide which method you will use.

One treatment in particular offers an all-new, clinically proven method. It is absolutely clean. This breakthrough approach was created in 1999 by a team of scientists and professors in Germany. Since then, thousands of people in Europe have successfully quit smoking. We have a non-invasive treatment that is free of side effects, needles, medication, and nicotine. The computer aided software is administered via electronic stimulation which shortens, if not eliminates, the nicotine withdrawal state, partly through the release of endorphins. Our treatment has had staggering success rates in Europe and is continuing here in the U.S.

Remember, for every cigarette that you smoke, minutes are taken from your life. Even more so if you are also diabetic. Make the decision today to quit destroying your body, and make up your mind once and for all. Let this patented method help you with the rest. It is the best gift you will ever give to yourself and your loved ones.
Tip! First sit down and write down why you want to quit (the benefits of quitting): live longer, feel better, for your family, save money, smell better, find a mate more easily, etc. You know what's bad about smoking and you know what you'll get by quitting.

For more information please visit: http://nicocess.com or call 1-888-320-QUIT.

Annette Baril is a New York State Licensed Acupuncturist.

Free to reprint as long as the authors name and website link follow, and content remains unchanged.

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