Tuesday, November 27, 2007

5 Killer Tips to Help You Stop Smoking

As the tagline for a famous supermarket goes, "Every little helps". This is especially true when it comes to building motivation in order to accomplish a task. The more tactics and tricks we have, the more focused our mind can become. If you're thinking about packing in the cigarettes, then these little stop smoking tips will help you:

1. Get a pen and paper, head to the local bar and buy yourself a drink. Then sit down and start brainstorming all the material possessions you would like to own. Perhaps a new brand name watch, or a LCD television, or a tailored jacket, or some bottles of fragrance. Just make a big list. If you smoke a pack a day, you're effectively spending $3000 a year - imagine how many of the products from your list you could buy.

2. If you quit smoking, start putting away the cash equivalent of a packet of cigarettes in your drawer each day. If you're living in New York, you may well find yourself with $240 or more by the end of the month.

3. Fantasise about all the fitness tasks you could accomplish if you packed in smoking. Perhaps you could run a marathon, go kayaking, take up martial arts, climbing or take up a team sport. Think about the knock-on effects of this, namely the new friends you would make.

4. Write down all the reasons why you continue to smoke. Perhaps these reasons may include "For social purposes", or "Because it helps my anxiety". Then start to truly assess each reason as honestly as possible and ask yourself whether you are really any better off than when you were a non-smoker.
Tip! Stopping smoking now reduces your chances of getting throat cancer, lung cancer, emphysema, asthma, allergies, bronchitis, colon or stomach cancer and other serious health problems. 2.

5. Decide not to smoke for half a day. Assuming you wake up at 7am, don't smoke until 3pm. You only need to do this once. See how much more energetic and lively you feel before you light up again.

These are simple stop smoking tips which anyone can apply. There is nothing to lose by trying them, in fact I would recommend that you continue to smoke as you apply the tips (bar the conditions for stop smoking tip number 5).
Tip! You should be able to keep yourself busy and distract yourself from the idea of smoking.

Making small changes like these is just like taking a fresh angle on your life. See how it works out for you and, most importantly, see if the vision of a non-smoking future actually appeals to you or not.

Jonty Smith is a former smoker based in the U.K.

After 10 years of smoking two packs a day, Jonty finally managed to quit in 2006. His story of how he managed to beat the habit is available for free reading at (http://www.how-i-stopped-smoking.com)

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