Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Best Way To Stop Smoking

If you're a smoker, then you're probably panicking. Obviously you have come to this article because, on some level, you had a desire to stop smoking. But heck, as a former smoker myself, I know that you won't be entirely comfortable with the proposition of never lighting up again. An emotional bond has been formed. Smoking is more than a habit to you - it's like letting go of an old friend. So it's only natural that you want to find the best way to stop smoking and, preferably, the easiest.

You're going to be bombarded with a thousand ways to quit the habit. Your government's health department will probably tell you to hit the patches. TV adverts will be promoting the nicotine gum. You may even have flirted with the idea of taking on herbal cigarettes as a means of breaking your ties with nicotine.

As a former 40-a-day man, and someone with a rather intimate knowledge on the profound effect smoking has on our psyches, I'd have to tell you to steer clear of all these smoking aids. There is an incredibly simple reason for this: if you take to patches instead of cigarettes, all you are doing is transferring habits. The bottom line is that you will still be taking nicotine, and you will still be addicted to a habit.

If we remain addicted to a habit, then we are slaves for a lifetime. It is the equivalent of locking the habit up in a box, but having to carry that box around your neck for the next 20 years. If you want to successfully quit smoking, then you have to let go physically and emotionally. You have to wave it farewell. You have to be at peace with yourself. As hippy-like as that sounds, it's absolutely true.

To this extent, the best way to stop smoking permanently is to leave tobacco behind by your own choice. That means no patches, no gum, no herbal substitute. It doesn't mean willpower, either. Smoking is primarily a psychological addiction, which leaves you with two choices - either tolerate the psychological wall as best you can, or knock the sucker down. By choosing to quit cigarettes through sheer willpower, you are essentially fighting your own mind. If you choose to tackle the psychological links you have with smoking, then your mind will be at peace and, consequently, you will be able to live a non-smoking existence in perfect harmony.
Tip! First sit down and write down why you want to quit (the benefits of quitting): live longer, feel better, for your family, save money, smell better, find a mate more easily, etc. You know what's bad about smoking and what you'll get by quitting.

This is not a difficult task. There are many forms of hypnotherapy available to help you break down your psychological bonds with tobacco, coming in the forms of vis-à-vis consultations, CD's and books. I managed to break a 10 year habit within four hours thanks to this method, and I didn't even have to leave my own house. After nearly a hundred failed attempts using patches, gum and willpower, I'd say that was a pretty good result. So take inspiration, and always remember that the best way to stop smoking is to simply let the love affair go.

Jonty Smith is a former smoker based in the U.K.

After 10 years of smoking two packs a day, Jonty finally managed to quit in 2006. His story of how he managed to beat the habit is available for free reading at (http://www.How-I-Stopped-Smoking.com)

Stop Smoking the Natural Way

At the age of 18 I was a real fat kid. I was probably some 70 lbs overweight, had long tangled hair and was exceptionally miserable. At that age, the hormones had kicked in and I was desperate to get out there socialising with the opposite sex. However, my weight battered my confidence and self-esteem levels, rendering that kind of social interaction almost impossible.

So, I made the decision to lose weight. I simply cut out all junk food, all soda, and started running as far as I could each and every day. By the time four months had gone by, I had dropped the best part of 60 lbs and I was running an easy three miles every day. On top of this, the number of push-ups I could do had risen from one (when I first started) to 400 over the course of several sets.

So where does smoking fit into this little story? Well let me elucidate. After I had lost the weight, I had a ton of people come up to me asking how I managed to shift the fat. When I replied that I had simply eaten less and exercised more, they wouldn't take that for an answer. Most overweight individuals want a magic bullet, an instant cure, and they were convinced that I must have been doing a special diet or exercising with unique technique.

I lose weight the natural way. And if anyone else in the world wishes to lose weight and keep it off, they will eventually learn that they have to do it the natural way. No fad diet is going to work for them long-term. This is one of the laws in life - we must do things naturally. If something seems to good to be true, then it usually is. You need to stop smoking the natural way.

So how does one stop smoking the natural way? Well, it's pretty simple. Don't use the patches, don't use the gum, don't use the substitute cigarettes, don't use the herbal cigarettes. If you want to quit smoking, then just stop smoking.

Don't replace your smoking habit with another habit, such as gum or patches - all you'll end up doing is replacing one addiction with another. Half the success in quitting cigarettes is in beating the power of addiction. If we substitute habits, we will never kick the power of addiction and, just like the individual doing the latest fad diet, we will be destined to have an ongoing battle for the rest of our lives by harbouring a viper in our bosom.
Tip! Babies are also likely to have less developed vital organs than their counterparts (babies of non-smoking mothers) – there is a great likelihood that these babies have an undeveloped liver which will affect them throughout their lives.

However, just because you choose to stop smoking the natural way, don't start to worry that it has to be difficult. I was thoroughly addicted to cigarettes for over a decade, smoking two packets a day, and yet I managed to quit the habit within a few hours of trying a certain technique. And what's more, it was easy and peaceful to do; I've never craved a cigarette since then. There are many methods to help you stop smoking the natural and easy way, particularly with hypnotherapy. Just resolve to quit the habit properly instead of using half-hearted measures.
Tip! The babies of pregnant smoking women have poor lung functions right from birth.

Jonty Smith is a former smoker based in the U.K.

After 10 years of smoking two packs a day, Jonty finally managed to quit in 2006. His story of how he managed to beat the habit is available for free reading at (http://www.How-I-Stopped-Smoking.com)

5 Killer Tips to Help You Stop Smoking

As the tagline for a famous supermarket goes, "Every little helps". This is especially true when it comes to building motivation in order to accomplish a task. The more tactics and tricks we have, the more focused our mind can become. If you're thinking about packing in the cigarettes, then these little stop smoking tips will help you:

1. Get a pen and paper, head to the local bar and buy yourself a drink. Then sit down and start brainstorming all the material possessions you would like to own. Perhaps a new brand name watch, or a LCD television, or a tailored jacket, or some bottles of fragrance. Just make a big list. If you smoke a pack a day, you're effectively spending $3000 a year - imagine how many of the products from your list you could buy.

2. If you quit smoking, start putting away the cash equivalent of a packet of cigarettes in your drawer each day. If you're living in New York, you may well find yourself with $240 or more by the end of the month.

3. Fantasise about all the fitness tasks you could accomplish if you packed in smoking. Perhaps you could run a marathon, go kayaking, take up martial arts, climbing or take up a team sport. Think about the knock-on effects of this, namely the new friends you would make.

4. Write down all the reasons why you continue to smoke. Perhaps these reasons may include "For social purposes", or "Because it helps my anxiety". Then start to truly assess each reason as honestly as possible and ask yourself whether you are really any better off than when you were a non-smoker.
Tip! Stopping smoking now reduces your chances of getting throat cancer, lung cancer, emphysema, asthma, allergies, bronchitis, colon or stomach cancer and other serious health problems. 2.

5. Decide not to smoke for half a day. Assuming you wake up at 7am, don't smoke until 3pm. You only need to do this once. See how much more energetic and lively you feel before you light up again.

These are simple stop smoking tips which anyone can apply. There is nothing to lose by trying them, in fact I would recommend that you continue to smoke as you apply the tips (bar the conditions for stop smoking tip number 5).
Tip! You should be able to keep yourself busy and distract yourself from the idea of smoking.

Making small changes like these is just like taking a fresh angle on your life. See how it works out for you and, most importantly, see if the vision of a non-smoking future actually appeals to you or not.

Jonty Smith is a former smoker based in the U.K.

After 10 years of smoking two packs a day, Jonty finally managed to quit in 2006. His story of how he managed to beat the habit is available for free reading at (http://www.how-i-stopped-smoking.com)

Would Smoking and Drinking Affect My Gym Training?

I'm 21 years old and trying to quit doing the unhealthy things I do to my body and here's my problem. I started smoking and drinking a couple of months ago (vodka), and last night was one of the nights I went overboard and drank way too much. I hate the terrible, worthless feeling I get the next day as I don't feel like training at the gym today due to this feeling. I just feel like staying in bed all day..

I know this is a stupid question but would smoking and drinking affect my gym training (I know it affects cardio cause it screws up your lungs)?

~the thirsty trainer

Dear thirsty trainer,

Thanks for writing in.

Drinking and smoking while trying to achieve practically any fitness goal are the exact opposites and dont mix. Drinking can compromise your goals especially if fatloss is one of them. I've read that the liver can take days to get rid of the alcohol in ones body and so one of its main jobs of filtering fat comes to a standstill and it packs it away for processing later (which never comes of course).

Still not convinced? Okay try this - have a can of beer (or any other alcoholic beverage) just before your workout and let me know if you have a productive workout.

It's a matter of priorities, especially at your young age of which path you want to choose. Many people think that they can counteract their smoking and drinking habits by doing enough exercise, not realising that they are only fooling themselves of the harm they are doing to themselves.

There is research out there that says alcohol in moderation has benefits, but I would not recommend anyone that doesn't drink to start solely for these benefits. Hey, Schwarzenegger smokes cigars too, however, I believe that they are the exceptions. I'd rather stay away from it if I were you.

You know what the right decision is - otherwise you wouldnt be asking about it here ;)

Good luck!

Josh Stone, also known as DM, is the author behind the site http://www.dailymuscle.com which offers the author's personal views on real-life fitness, bodybuilding, sports nutrition, cardio, fat loss, training information, and on all things that surrounds fitness.

Diabetes Smoking - 7 Reasons Why Smoking is Even More Hazardous for Diabetics

Are you a diabetic? Do you smoke? Do people around you smoke? We all know smoking is a direct cause of cancer but if you have diabetes smoking - including passive smoking - leads to other health problems...

Here are 7 reasons why mixing diabetes with smoking is a very bad idea:

1) You are more likely to get nerve damage (neuropathy). If this happens to be in your feet it could lead to infections and, if not taken care of properly, even amputation.

2) You could develop kidney disease.

3) When you smoke your blood pressure increases.

4) Diabetics who smoke increase, 3-fold, the risk of dying of heart (cardiovascular) disease.

5) By smoking you increase your blood-sugar levels, making it more difficult to control your diabetes, which in turn leads to other problems.

6) And it increases your cholesterol levels, which increases the risk of a heart attack.

7) Doubles your chances of getting limited mobility in your joints. It's no fun trying to bend, climb stairs or lift something when you have a painful joint.

In fact smoking - and passive smoking - have a seriously detrimental effect on the ABC's of diabetes management:

A1C - the measurement of your blood glucose over a 3-month period

B - your blood pressure, which should be below 130/80

C - your cholesterol levels

And, of course, on top of all that there is the risk of cancer!

© 2006 Carol Ann

Carol Ann created http://www.your-diabetes.com to present information on diabetes from a diabetic's viewpoint

Find out more about diabetes; how to recognise it; live with it; important linked health issues. Plus, read inspiring stories from other diabetics and share your experience.

Include delicious recipes from here in your diabetic meal plan and, if you send in your favorite recipe, you could win the monthly prize draw.

Smoking Gun for Diabetics

If you are feeling great now, consider it a blessing, and quit today. Stay ahead of the game. If you have an existing health problem, then quit today, prevent further damage, and maybe even reverse some of the effects. If you have diabetes, it is even more imperative that you quit now. For those of you with diabetes, your risks increase dramatically when you smoke. For example, some of the risks are:

- Death from a stroke or heart attack is increased by 11 fold

- Circulation & wound healing problems which may lead to infection & amputation

- Kidney disease, blindness, & neuropathy

- Increase in blood sugar levels

- High blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglycerides in the blood which can result in a heart attack.
Tip! The babies of pregnant smoking women have poor lung functions right from birth.

There are treatments created to assist people like you to make the decision to ‘Quit for Life'. You may have tried numerous times to quit and may think it is impossible. It is not impossible. The first step is to make the clear decision to stop. The second step is to decide which method you will use.

One treatment in particular offers an all-new, clinically proven method. It is absolutely clean. This breakthrough approach was created in 1999 by a team of scientists and professors in Germany. Since then, thousands of people in Europe have successfully quit smoking. We have a non-invasive treatment that is free of side effects, needles, medication, and nicotine. The computer aided software is administered via electronic stimulation which shortens, if not eliminates, the nicotine withdrawal state, partly through the release of endorphins. Our treatment has had staggering success rates in Europe and is continuing here in the U.S.

Remember, for every cigarette that you smoke, minutes are taken from your life. Even more so if you are also diabetic. Make the decision today to quit destroying your body, and make up your mind once and for all. Let this patented method help you with the rest. It is the best gift you will ever give to yourself and your loved ones.
Tip! First sit down and write down why you want to quit (the benefits of quitting): live longer, feel better, for your family, save money, smell better, find a mate more easily, etc. You know what's bad about smoking and you know what you'll get by quitting.

For more information please visit: http://nicocess.com or call 1-888-320-QUIT.

Annette Baril is a New York State Licensed Acupuncturist.

Free to reprint as long as the authors name and website link follow, and content remains unchanged.

Stop Smoking Hypnosis - Will I Gain Weight?

Smokers have been known to use the fear of gaining weight as an excuse not to quit. Using tobacco as a weight control mechanism is quite common as nicotine does suppress one's appetite as well as alters the body's metabolism. Smoking is also believed to slow the rate in which food is digested therefore making the person feel fuller for longer. The concept of using nicotine to help control the diet is known as "weight control smoking" and occurs in 40 percent of all female smokers and is quite rare in men.

Getting to the bottom of your own weight control problems and bad dieting habits is one of the first things that a "weight controlled smoker" must do to be successful at saying goodbye to their smoking habit. The reality is that one would have to put on 70-100 pounds to achieve a health risk equivalent to smoking a pack of cigarettes a day and this is not likely to happen. Gaining a couple of pounds while you get one addiction under control is a reality that you might have to face. There are many therapeutic behavioral techniques and hypnotherapies that can help one deal with not only their quitting smoking, but with issues such as binge eating and weight control. Stop smoking hypnosis combined with a weight loss program is the key to success.

Exercise and dietary changes can make a big difference and can influence success in quitting smoking. A great motto to think of is just to replace a bad habit with a good one and you will not fail. Instead of reaching for a bag of chips to help you deal with your craving for nicotine, try going for a brisk walk, or start a new interesting hobby to help keep your mind interested.

Most people find that once they give up smoking their body has a better overall feeling of health and vitality. Eating right and limiting your intake of alcohol and fatty foods will begin to come naturally. Once your taste buds come back to normal you might find that you want to start cooking new and exciting healthy meals. Don't let the first couple of pounds scare you away from long-term success. A short-term gain of a few pounds for a long-term loss of a very bad habit. Your weight will fall into place with a little time dedication and effort. It's worth it!

Visit http://www.stop-smoking-hypnosis.net to try hypnosis therapy.

Smoking, Can it Harm My Skin?

Yes it can harm it in several ways. Here are more reasons to quit smoking now.

Skin is fed from within. The foods we eat are broken down into nutrients and waste. The nutrients are absorbed by the bloodstream which transports them around the body to the various organs, the largest of which is the skin. Oxygen is also transported and delivered in the same way. The cells absorb the oxygen and this is vital for the health of the organs and the life process itself. This whole process takes place automatically when we breathe........

Except when we are breathing in smoke!

When we inhale the smoke from a cigarette the carbon monoxide from the smoke is absorbed by the hemoglobin in the blood. Carbon monoxide is a colorless odorless highly toxic gas also found in the smoke from car exhausts. The blood can absorb carbon monoxide 200 times as fast as oxygen so a lot of the oxygen is displaced by carbon monoxide. The organs including the skin are starved of life giving oxygen and slowly poisoned by the carbon monoxide.

But that's not the end of it. Cigarette smoke also contains the following deadly cocktail of chemicals. Ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, butane, nicotine, carbolic acid, collidine, formic aldehyde, lutidine, parvoline, prussic acid, pyridine, arsenic and cadmium. This list is by no means complete.

The affect on the skin of all these is catastrophic. The liver goes into overdrive trying to expel these chemicals from the body and cannot perform its normal functions properly. The skin loses its healthy glow and takes on a yellowish-grey cast. The more cigarettes smoked, the worse your skin will look.

Smoking also causes premature aging in two ways. It uses up vitamin C in the body, about 35 mg for each cigarette. Vitamin C is an unstable vitamin and cannot be manufactured by the body. One of its functions is the preservation of the collagen in the skin, the substance that gives skin its plump and youthful appearance. The collagen beaks down causing premature wrinkles around the eyes and mouth.
Tip! Rapid Smoking or Satiation Smoking, as the name suggests is to induce in the addict an aversion to smoke by giving him a hefty dosage of cigarettes. He is made to smoke twice the number of cigarettes he smokes regularly.

The physical act of smoking causes us to squint, exaggerating the wrinkles around the eyes. Every time we purse our lips we deepen the wrinkles around our mouth as well.

Do yourself a favor! Stop poisoning yourself. Qit smoking now. Save the money you spend on these toxic weeds and go out and treat yourself to a facial or a new skin cream instead.

Your skin will thank you for it!

Like to have better looking skin? http://www.holistic-facial-skin-care.com will give you detailed information on all facets of skin care. The author, Wendy Owen has had a lifetime interest in general and alternative health and skin care.